Inspired writings from the other side of the world.

Im "The Book of Mormon, another testament of Jesus Christ"  God speaks to his people in ancient and modern times. The Book of Mormon tells about ancient Christian religion in the Americas and is powerful evidence that God reveals truth to His people everywhere. This timeless book answers existential questions and presents spiritual principles that apply to everyday life.
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Inspired writings from the other side of the world.

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Im "The Book of Mormon, another testemant of Jesus Christ"  God speaks to His people in ancient and modern times. The Book of Mormon tells about ancient Christian religion in the Americas and is powerful evidence that God reveals truth to His people everywhere. This timeless book answers existential questions and presents spiritual principles that apply to everyday life.

Frequently asked questions

The Book of Mormon begins with the account of a family living in Jerusalem about 600 years before the birth of Christ. After being warned by God, they leave Jerusalem to escape the destruction of the city. They travel across the sea to the promised land in ancient America. The people later split into two nations and we read of God's dealings with both nations.

The most important event in the Book of Mormon is the personal ministry of the resurrected Jesus Christ to the people of ancient America. The Book of Mormon clearly explains what Christ taught. It explains how we can have joy in this life and receive salvation in the life to come.

The main authors of the Book of Mormon were ancient American prophets. These prophets recorded their history, prophecies and teachings on bound metal plates. The records were then summarized and abridged by a prophet and historian named Mormon.

After Mormon's death, his son Moroni completed the records and named the book "The Book of Mormon." God told Moroni to bury the plates and promised that one day they would be brought forth again.

At the beginning of the 19th century, this promise was fulfilled. God called a boy named Joseph Smith to translate the plates and restore the Church of Jesus Christ. He was called as the first latter-day prophet. He translated the plates by the power of God into what is known today as the Book of Mormon.

Absolutely not! The Book of Mormon is "another testament ofJesus Christ" and works hand in hand with the Bible. Both describe God's relationship with people in different parts of the world and both teach the same principles.

These contain thousands of years of inspiration, guidance and instruction. The Book of Mormon also confirms the Bible's statements about the divinity of Jesus Christ and helps to understand many other Christian doctrines (Mormon 7:8-9).

The Bible says, "By the mouth of two or three witnesses shall everyword be established" (2 Corinthians 13:1). In accordance with this law, both the Book of Mormon and the Bible bear powerful witness to Jesus Christ.

If you study both the Book of Mormon and the Bible, you will better understand who God is and what He wants for you. 

You may be asking yourself, "If I already have the Bible, why do I need more scriptures?"

An important realization is that God has revealed truth to His children on earth and always will. The Bible contains revelations of God written by prophets, but it does not contain everything God has ever said or will ever say. Even today He reveals His will to the living prophets and apostles (Ephesians 2:20). The Book of Mormon shows that God speaks to all His children on earth and in all ages.

The Book of Mormon can also help explain and clarify Bible passages. For example, the New Testament states that Christ was baptized to "fulfill all righteousness" (Matthew 3:14-15). The Book of Mormon explains what it means to fulfill all righteousness (2 Nephi 31:5-9). The Book of Mormon is also valuable because it contains the records of those who saw Christ personally after his resurrection.

There is only one way to find out for yourself that the Book of Mormon is true: through the Holy Ghost.

The final chapter of the book invites the reader to study the Book of Mormon, reflect on the message of Jesus Christ, and ask God if it is true. Whoever does this will receive an answer from God personally about his truthfulness.

Millions of readers have already prayed and asked God for themselves and now know that the Book of Mormon really is the word of God. You can too!

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What others say about it

What others say about it

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"Every time I looked for an answer to a question, I opened the book and through my friends' favorite verses I found an answer to my questions"
Kim, 21
Dortmund, Germany
"The Bible is enough to know that Jesus Christ is the Savior, but if you want to go further and look for the fullness of truth, you need the Book of Mormon."
Sarah, 23
Darmstadt, Germany
"The Book of Mormon, as well as the Bible, is the Word of God." "I've never been in a life situation where it couldn't help me."
Simon, 23
Wettingen, Switzerland

Whether you want to deepen your relationship with God or simply explore your personal spirituality,  this book is for you.

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