Your search for Spirituality stops here.

Your search for    change    stops here.

Your search for a purpose stops here.

Your search for happiness stops here.

Join the millions who have found the end of their search by meeting with us

Deine Suche nach

einem Sinn

hört hier auf.

Schließ dich den Millionen an, die das Ende ihrer Suche gefunden haben, indem sie sich mit uns getroffen haben

Veränderung geschieht hier


Du weißt schon, dass sich etwas verändern muss, um glücklicher zu werden, deinen Sinn im Leben zu finden, oder deine Spiritualität zu stärken, aber du hast keine Ahnung was diese Veränderung sein soll? 

Wir wissen wie es geht! 

Wir haben Millionen geholfen, die Veränderungen im Leben zu machen, die sie gebraucht haben und dadurch haben sie ihre Beziehung zu Gott gestärkt und die macht des Glaubens gefunden. 

Such nicht mehr! Fang die Veränderung jetzt an! Klick einfach hier und nimm Kontakt mit uns auf!

Change happens here

You already know that something has to change in order to become happier, to find your meaning in life, or to strengthen your spirituality, but you have no idea what this change should be?

We know how to do it!

We have helped millions make the life changes they needed and through which they have strengthened their relationship with God and found the power of faith.

Look no further! Start the change now! Just click here and contact us!

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A meeting with us

Click through to find out what you can expect from meeting us.

Ein Treffen mit uns

Klicke dich durch und erfahre, was du von einem Treffen mit uns erwarten kannst.

Most asked questions

A normal meeting lasts between 15 minutes to an hour and is about your concerns. It begins with a prayer and also ends with one. 

A meeting with us revolves around a conversation, and at the end of the meeting we give you an invitation to do something to help you find your own solution, whether it is meeting with us again, setting a goal, reading from the scriptures, or something as simple as praying.. 

In a conversation with us, we will simply discuss your questions and thoughts, get to know you, and figure out how we can help you. 

We often talk about different topics, for example:

  • Jesus Christ and his teachings
  • Prayer and how to pray
  • The sacred scriptures, such as the Bible and the Book of Mormon
  • God's plan for finding the meaning of life
  • How to get answers from God
  • Why God allows suffering

Whatever you are interested in, we look forward to an uplifting conversation with you!

Youre meeting with 2 missionaries of the Church of Jesus Christ in your area. We are young, ordinary people who give 18-24 months of our lives to help others get closer to God.

There are no hidden motives, we are simply here to help you find your own answers and solutions, as well as increase your spirituality.

Yes! We'd love to help you. While we don't know all the answers, we do have experience helping people help themselves by deepening their own spirituality and relationship with God. 

What does that look like exactly? I guess you'll have to find out for yourself 🙂 Get in touch with us!

A meeting with us can change lives.  Learn how Jesus Christ helps in everyday life.

From a meeting you can:

  • strengthen your faith
  • find a greater purpose in life
  • Connect you with a loving and accepting community
  • Develop a better relationship with God
  • strengthen your family
  • find more peace and joy

Was andere darüber sagen

What others say about it

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"When I first met with the missionaries I was pretty nervous. But I quickly realized that what they taught me made me very happy and I wanted to learn more about Jesus Christ."

Annika, 20
WhatsApp Image 2021 11 09 at 09.45.02 e1636449938308

"It was an absolute turning point in my life when I saw the missionaries in the old town of Düsseldorf and started a conversation with them about genealogy . . . We exchanged mobile numbers and the next day I was called and a prayer changed my life, which before was in danger of falling apart at the seams."

Natan, 41
Bild von Teymur

"Personally, I am very grateful to them for being an instrument of the Lord, for making it possible for me to find my Lord Jesus Christ through their guidance, and for showing me how to become a missionary of Christ myself."

Teymur, 25

Whether you want to become happier or simply explore your personal spirituality, meeting with us is just what you need.