Jesus Christ
The Good Shepherd, the Light, the Lamb of God
Who is Jesus Christ?
Jesus Christ is the most influential person who has ever lived. His teachings are some of the most beautiful and moving words ever written.
He is the Good Shepherd, the Light, the Lamb of God, the Prince of Peace, and the
Savior of the World. It was decided, long before He came to Earth, that He would be our Savior.
So why do we need a Savior? Why do you need Him?
His Purpose
God created the first people Adam and Eve so that all of his children could gain bodies just like he has. After Adam and Eve ate from the forbidden fruit, they were kicked out and sent to Earth, as imperfect mortal beings. They started to face challenges and make mistakes and even sin.
Our purpose is to overcome imperfection and become like God, our Father, who is perfect
Because of the fall, we are all imperfect and can't go back to God. At least not alone. We need a way to become pure again. We need a Savior!
Our Setbacks
God cannot dwell in the presence of any uncleanliness or sin, we can't live with Him and our sins.
We need someone to take our sins from us. Jesus Christ, our brother, was the only person who could do this for us.
Voluntarily he came to Earth to be our Savior, and our example, so that we can know the way back to God.
Does God Love Me?
Does God really love me? Whatever your reasons for asking this question, you can find your answer. Learn how, through guided questions, Scripture passages, and then through personal action.
Does God love me?
Does God really love me? Whatever your reasons for asking this question, you can find your answer. Learn it for yourself through guided questions, scripture passages, and then personal action.
The Mission of Jesus Christ
His Teachings
Jesus is our example in what he said and what he did.
All of Christ's teachings are centered in love. He commanded us to love God and love our neighbors as ourself.
He ate with publicans and sinners, and the outcasts of society. He taught us to be pure in thought and act.
Jesus healed everyone, who asked in faith, and he forgives everyone of their sins. He taught and lived a higher law of love. He forgave often, transcended cultural barriers in order to show love. And he was perfectly obedient to God, the Father.
Many were angry at Jesus, because he condemned hypocrisy. He taught truths that were foreign to the Jewish laws and customs of his time.
Christ's compassion to sinners, his mercy and and unexplainable miracles attracted a great following. Political and church leaders felt threatened by his influence, and planned to put him to death.
His Atonement
The night before His death, Jesus went to the Garden of Gethsemane to pray. There He fulfilled part of his role as our Savior.
As he prayed He chose to feel every sin and all pains known to mankind, and suffer for every person who has ever lived.
He went through everything we could go though, giving him perfect compassion and understanding for each one of us. He did this to pay the price for our sins. He suffered so we can turn to him and repent, and He suffered “that he may know according to the flesh how to succor his people according to their infirmities.” (Alma 7:12)
He knows how we feel and how to help us overcome any sin, pain or weakness we could have!
After he suffered in the garden, Jesus was betrayed by His own friend, mocked, beaten, and crucified on the cross. All that he did was to make certain that we can return to God, our Father in Heaven.
He was faithful to the end. Even as Jesus was killed by his own people, he called upon God to be merciful unto them. Then he willingly gave up his spirit, and went into the next life.
His Resurrection
Jesus's body lay from Friday till Sunday in a grave. That Sunday morning, He was literally resurrected. Mary Magdalene, a disciple of Christ, sat in the garden grave before the empty tomb, she saw a man and mistook him for a gardener. She asked him if he knew where the body of Jesus Christ was, and he answered her, calling her by name. She knew right away that he was Jesus Christ.
She was a witness that Christ lived again and now has a perfect resurrected body.
Meet with us!
Join us to learn how you too can one day be resurrected like Jesus Christ.
Meet with us!
Join us to learn how you too can one day be resurrected like Jesus Christ.
His Gift
Since Jesus Christ was resurrected, we will be too. We will also one day have a transformed, perfected body. Not only will our bodies become perfect, we can spend our lives perfecting ourselves, through Jesus Christ.
The way to perfect ourselves is by using Christ’s gift of the atonement. The Atonement built a bridge for us to become like Him. We need to walk away from sin, and come near to God. Through prayer, study and worship we can use the atonement to improve and find joy.
Jesus Christ gives us the opportunity to choose the way home.
His sacrifice in the garden, His death on the cross and His resurrection are what save us from our sins.
We can choose to feel His grace and participate in His mercy.
Through Christ are we saved.
Still have questions? Theres an easy answer.
The best way to find answers to your questions is to read the Book of Mormon. Order your own printed copy of the Book of Mormon today, another testimony of Jesus Christ, so you can find answers for yourself.
Got Questions? Theres an Easy Answer.
The best way to find answers to your questions is to read the Book of Mormon. Order your own printed copy of the Book of Mormon today, another testimony of Jesus Christ, so you can find answers for yourself.