The Family

Together forever 

The family

Together forever 

         The family

                          Together Forever 

      The Family

             Together forever 

The Family

The family is an essential part of God's plan and the foundation of a strong community. In the family, you can feel loved and learn to love others. Life is not easy so we need the support and guidance that a strong family provides. It doesn't matter if you are single, married, divorced, widowed, or fall into any other category, you are part of your eternal family and play a large and important role in it. If you take the time to learn more about families, your life will become more meaningful and your home will become a place of peace

zwei Jungen in einer Familie
zwei Damen in einer Familie
Eine Familie

The family

The family is an essential part of God's plan and the foundation of a strong community. In the family, you can feel loved and learn to love others. Life is not easy so we need the support and guidance that a strong family provides. Doesn't matter if you are single, married, divorced, widowed, or fall into any other category, you are part of your eternal family and play a large and important role in it. If you take the time to learn more about families, your life will become more meaningful and your home will become a place of peace

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The family

The family is an essential part of God's plan and the foundation of a strong community. In the family, you can feel loved and learn to love others. Life is not easy so we need the support and guidance that a strong family provides. Doesn't matter if you are single, married, divorced, widowed, or fall into any other category, you are part of your eternal family and play a large and important role in it. If you take the time to learn more about families, your life will become more meaningful and your home will become a place of peace

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ja kids 1 scaled

The family

The family is an essential part of God's plan and the foundation of a strong community. In the family, you can feel loved and learn to love others. Life is not easy so we need the support and guidance that a strong family provides. Doesn't matter if you are single, married, divorced, widowed, or fall into any other category, you are part of your eternal family and play a large and important role in it. If you take the time to learn more about families, your life will become more meaningful and your home will become a place of peace

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The Importance of The Family

You did not choose your family, but you were born into a framework of parents and siblings. Why is that? Why are we born into families?

Families are a place of development even if they are not always as perfect and functional as we would like. God created the family unit with the purpose of providing us with a safe place to grow and develop. A family's unconditional love should be there for all of us when we go through difficult times. Home is a safe place where you are loved, guided and supported. Whether you are starting a new family or are already part of a household with people who share your last name, a better understanding of family will bless both your life and the lives of those around you.

junge Familie

Anastasiia, 20

Wetzlar, Germany

"Knowing the Gospel has blessed my family very much. When we go through some difficult moments, we know that we don't have to do everything alone, but that the Lord is with us and when we invite Him to walk the path with us, He sustains us. The Gospel teaches and helps to have a relationship dominated by love and honesty."


Anastasiia, 20

Wetzlar, Germany

"Knowing the Gospel has blessed my family very much. When we go through some difficult moments, we know that we don't have to do everything alone, but that the Lord is with us and when we invite Him to walk the path with us, He sustains us. The Gospel teaches and helps to have a relationship dominated by love and honesty."


Anastasiia 20

Wetzlar, Germany

"Knowing the Gospel has blessed my family very much. When we go through some difficult moments, we know that we don't have to do everything alone, but that the Lord is with us and when we invite Him to walk the path with us, He sustains us. The Gospel teaches and helps to have a relationship dominated by love and honesty."

Find out the purpose of the family

Join us to learn more about the family.
eine Familie der Gemeinde

The Family of God

We are all a part of God's eternal family. The Bible and The Book of Mormon teach this divine truth clearly. Our family here on earth is built like our family in heaven. Just as we can go to our parents when we need advice, our Father in Heaven is always there for us. When we pray, he hears us and answers us. God loves each and every one of His children. Think about the love that parents have for their child. They love their child even if they make a mistake. A parent's love is only a small portion compared to the love Heavenly Father has for us. 
junge Familie

The family can be together forever.

Until death do you part?

The relationship with our loved ones does not have to end at the grave. Whether grandparents, parents, siblings, children or other relatives, we have all lost someone close to us. Because the family is such a central part of God's plan, He has made it possible for us to be with our families forever through His Son Jesus Christ.

The Bible says that Jesus gave His disciples the power to bind things on this earth and also in heaven. We believe that God has once again given us this power through modern prophets and revelations.

Through this power, the priesthood, we can receive the blessing to be with our families and loved ones forever. The power to bind families together was restored to the Earth through the restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Being together forever means that we should take time now to nurture and strengthen our family relationships.  

Through the priesthood, we can be sealed to each other in the temple with our families for eternity. To learn more about the temple, read our blog "What is the Temple? The House of the Lord."

das haus des herrn
michelle headshot

Michelle, 21

Heidelberg, Germany

"When my father passed away, we were initially deep in sorrow. Today we still grieve the loss, but because of Jesus Christ we can look to the future with hope and peace. We know that families are eternal and that we will see our father again soon."

michelle headshot

Michelle, 21

Heidelberg, Germany

"When my father passed away, we were initially deep in sorrow. Today we still grieve the loss, but because of Jesus Christ we can look to the future with hope and peace. We know that families are eternal and that we will see our father again soon."

junge Damen

Michelle, 21

Heidelberg, Germany

"When my father passed away, we were initially deep in sorrow. Today we still grieve the loss of our father, but because of Jesus Christ we can look to the future with hope and peace. We know that families are eternal and that we will see our father again soon."

Do you still have questions about God's plan for you?

Start reading the Book of Mormon today! Order your own printed copy of the Book of Mormon today: free order, free delivery & totally no obligation. 
zwei junge Damen

Families come in all shapes and sizes.

Of course, there are many families that do not match the traditional image of father, mother and children. Some children are raised by a single parent. Other families are affected by divorce or death. Tragically, some are even abused or neglected by family members.

In such situations, it is important to remember that every person is a son or daughter of loving Heavenly Parents. You are part of an eternal family. Even though your earthly family may not have given you the love and support you deserved, you have a Father in Heaven and an older brother, Jesus Christ, who loves you and knows what you are going through.

Family is often defined by parentage, but it doesn't have to be. Your family may consist of close friends, co-workers, or members of your community. Whatever your family looks like, you can choose to strengthen it by learning and applying the teachings of Jesus Christ.

Are you looking for a community of families?

Visitors are always welcome! Throughout Germany, Austria and Switzerland we have community centers where families meet for exciting activities throughout the week, for all ages, young and old! Whether alone or with your family, come and feel at home.

Geneology and Family History

The family is bigger than here and now. Even our ancestors who have already passed away from this life can be with us forever. From our family history, we learn where our characteristics and appearance come from and how we got to where we are. When we learn more about our ancestors, we learn more about ourselves. We learn from the sacrifices they made, are motivated by who they were, and come closer to these people we do not even know in this earthly life.

Learn more about your past and the heroes who came before you with, a free service from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. You'll be surprised by the stories and information you discover!

Frequently asked questions

Babby roof

God has a clear plan for you and your family to return to Him. The plan is the gospel of Jesus Christ. Because God loves all of his children, every person will eventually have the opportunity to hear and accept the gospel, whether in this life or the next. You accept the gospel by believing in Jesus Christ, repenting, and receiving sacred ordinances such as baptism and confirmation. By receiving ordinances, you show your love for God by making holy promises to Him, and in return, He makes holy promises to you. The promises you make are called covenants. In order to return to God's presence, it is necessary to receive the ordinances and keep the covenants.

Every temple is literally a house of the Lord. The temple is a place where everyone makes sacred promises with God, feels the spirit of God, and finds rest from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. In temples, couples can marry for eternity, not just "till death do you part." Church members may also perform baptisms and other ceremonies for their loved ones who have died without receiving these blessings. 

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Parents play a critical role in raising and caring for their children. Both a mother and a father are responsible for the care of their family. While it's ideal for children to be cared for by mom and dad, we know that's often not the case. Even if we have both parents, one parent or perhaps no parent at home, we should do our best to create an environment of love and uplift those around us. Read below what modern prophets and apostles have said about the importance of the family. 

Do you have any questions?

We are happy to answer your questions. There are 2 missionaries of the Church of Jesus Christ near you. We are young, ordinary people who give 18-24 months of our lives to help others grow closer to God and strengthen families.

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