What happens after this life?

Two and a half years ago, my grandpa died of a stroke. His death was an absolute shock to my whole family; He was otherwise healthy and was active every day. I can still remember his funeral when our whole family was gathered to remember his life. I expected my father to be severely affected since he was losing his only living parent, but to my surprise he was at peace. He told me he knew he would see him again, and that gave him peace and comfort throughout the experience.


I used to wonder how this could give him comfort and even hope, but the older I get, the more I realize how much it helps me to have a broader perspective on life. You see, because I know where my grandpa is and where I will be after this life, I am comforted with the knowledge that I will see him again. So where exactly is he?

Where are we going after this life?

As human beings on earth, we all have two parts: the spirit and the body. Both are a great blessing to each other and neither can function here on earth without the other. When we die, our body and mind separate. Our body remains on earth, but our spirit goes to the spirit world. My grandpa is now in the spirit world and in a state of happiness. He teaches those who were not able to receive the gospel of Jesus Christ on Earth and are in a state of unhappiness.


My grandpa and the rest of God’s children will eventually be judged, which will determine their final standing before God. It’s a pretty big moment. Jesus is our advocate with the Father, and by His grace we can be perfected and exalted to a certain degree of glory. It is like the different degrees of heaven as mentioned by Paul in the Bible (2 Corinthians 12: 2). Because God rewards His children according to their desires and deeds, everyone will inherit a place in a degree or kingdom of glory.

Learn more about why you are on earth

Thanks to Jesus Christ, we can live forever with our family.

If we accept the gospel of Jesus Christ and make and keep our covenants, we will receive the highest degree of glory and take a place in the heavenly kingdom. There we can experience the greatest joy and happiness and live with God and our families for eternity. Those who have lived an honorable life but have not accepted the fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ will receive a place in the earthly kingdom, and those who have remained in their sins will receive their place in the lowest kingdom.


I know that through faith in Christ, we can obtain His mercy and grace, and eventually attain heavenly glory. The promise of living with my family again, seeing my father reunited with his father, and enjoying the blessings of the heavenly kingdom gives me so much hope, peace and joy. More than I can describe. Although the grief and sadness I feel when a loved one dies (which I have experienced several times) is completely real and very difficult to deal with, I find comfort and joy in knowing this wonderful plan.

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I know that through faith in Christ, we can obtain His mercy and grace, and eventually obtain heavenly glory. The promise of living with my family again, seeing my father reunited with his father, and enjoying the blessings of the heavenly kingdom gives me so much hope, peace and joy. More than I can describe. Although the grief and sadness I feel when a loved one dies (which I have experienced several times) is completely real and very difficult to deal with, I find comfort and joy in knowing this wonderful plan.

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Jacob Reed

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