Jesus Christ

The Good Shepherd, the Light, the Lamb of God

Who is Jesus Christ?

Jesus Christ is the most influential person who has ever lived on earth. His teachings are among the most beautiful and moving words ever written.

He is the Good Shepherd, the Light, the Lamb of God, the Prince of Peace and the Savior of the world. Long before he came to earth, it was clear that he would be our Savior.

But why do we need him?

Find Christ in your own way!

Meet with us to learn how you can one day be resurrected like Jesus Christ.

Meet with us!

Meet with us to learn how you can one day be resurrected like Jesus Christ.

His purpose

God created the first humans, Adam and Eve, in His image so that all people   could have a mortal body. After Adam and Eve ate of the forbidden fruit, they were removed from the Garden of Eden and sent to earth as imperfect human beings. They, then, began to understand and make mistakes.

Our whole purpose in life is to overcome trials and our humanity to one day return to the presence of God and become like Him. But it was impossible for us alone. We need a Savior!

christ teaching in jerusalem

Our obstacles 

One thing that must be overcome before we can return to God is death. Every person on this earth will die one day.

God also cannot dwell in the presence of something unclean, so He cannot live with us, in our sins.

So we need someone that can take our sins upon them and conquer death. Jesus Christ, our brother, was the only person who could do these two things for us.

He volunteered to come to this earth to be our Savior and set a perfect example for us to know how to return to our Heavenly Father.

Jesus created the Earth

Do you want to read more about Jesus Christ?

In that case, the Book of Mormon is just what you need. As another witness of Jesus Christ, it helps us better understand His teachings and life. Order your own copy today.

Do you want to read more about Jesus Christ?

In that case, the Book of Mormon is just what you need. As another witness of Jesus Christ, it helps us better understand His teachings and life. Order your own copy today.

The Mission of Jesus Christ

His Doctrine

Jesus Christ teaches us to love. He commands us to love our enemies as our friends and to forgive them, not seven times, but 77 times.

When he was on earth, he ate with tax collectors and sinners and with the outcasts of society.

Jesus healed and forgave all who asked him with full faith. He not only taught the higher law of love, but he also lived it. He was completely obedient to Heavenly Father, openly forgiving and crossing cultural boundaries to show love.

He showed compassion to sinners and taught truths that were foreign to the Jewish laws and customs of His day.

He performed remarkable miracles, demonstrated incredible power and had many followers. That is why some civil and religious leaders felt threatened by his influence and planned to execute him.

His Atonement 

The night before his death, Jesus went to pray in the Garden of Gethsemane.

There he felt the burden of every sin and pain known to mankind, and suffered for every single person who has ever lived.

He had perfect compassion for each of us in order to understand us fully, so that He would know "how to succor His people according to their weaknesses." (Alma 7:12)

Jesus suffered for you, and He understands you perfectly.

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After suffering in the garden, Jesus was betrayed by his own disciple, arrested, mocked, beaten, and crucified on the cross - all of which he did to ensure that we could return to our heavenly Father.

He endured to the very end. Even when Jesus was killed by his own people, he cried out to God and begged for forgiveness for them. Then he willingly gave up his spirit and passed to the next life.

His resurrection

Jesus's body lay in a tomb from Friday until Sunday morning. On Sunday morning, Mary Magdalene, one of Jesus' followers, was sitting in the garden in front of the empty tomb when Jesus Christ met her.

She thought he was the gardener and asked him if he knew where the body of Jesus was. He called her by name, and she knew immediately that it was Jesus Christ.

She was the first witness to his resurrection and knew that he had overcome death.

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Does God love me?

Does God really love me? Whatever your reasons for asking this question, you can find your answer. Learn how, through guided questions, scripture passages, and then through personal action.

Does God love me?

Does God really love me? Whatever your reasons for asking this question, you can find your answer. Learn for yourself through guided questions, scripture passages, and then personal action.

His Gift

He has given you the ability to have a perfect body. Not only our body can be perfect, but we can also improve and progress every day.

Because He atoned for your sins, you are not separated from God. We can change and choose to strive to become like God one day.

Jesus Christ gives us the opportunity to choose to go back home.


Jesus Christ rose from the grave, he broke the bonds of death and appeared as a resurrected and perfect being.

What saves us from death and sin are His Atonement in the garden, His death on the cross, and His resurrection on the third day.

Through Jesus Christ we are saved. 

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